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One life, make it count.

Leave it all out there, cut no corners, leave no stones unturned and ensure you are what you preach.

It is easy to get caught in distractions, the easy dopamine, the instant gratification, trying to fit into the masses and continuing to numb your brain to your true potential. We have all been caught taking the easy route as easy dopamine makes it easy to forget one thing - you have one life, make it count.

Even if you don't have your purpose or your mission yet, keep moving, keep progressing, keep trying. Learn to fail more and fail faster until it clicks, use your time to find your why until your why makes time feel endless. It can feel doubtful and hard but keep stacking good habits, 0.1% better everyday and it will start to make sense.

Do the basics, find what gives you energy rather than subtracts from your energy, move your body, run, lift, fight, lift, force your body to feel comfortable when placed under stress, create, write, build and seek knowledge indefinitely. Continuously seek a higher version of yourself and focus on the controllable, your purpose will soon come clear, don't overthink it.

Time moves fast, little time to waste and a lot of potential to bring to the surface in all of us but reality is, not everyone will see what they're capable of because they're numbed out to what's possible. We make our own limits, our own reality, our own world. Build everyday, don't count the days, just build and your world will become more than you could ever imagine.

Our dreams are nothing but dreams until we pick up the paint brush and start painting our canvas, create your life, obsess over your mission and be an insanist for what you care about.

One life, make it count, everyday, forever.

stay insane.


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